Thiamine ( vitamin B1) Organic compound, part of the vitamin B complex, necessary in carBohydrate metaBolism. 硫胺素(亦称维生素B1):有机化合物,维生素B复合体的一种,为日常饮食所必需。
Effects of Organic Compound Fertilizer of Monosodium Glutamate on Yield, Quality and Nutrient Accumulation of Potato 麸酸型有机复混肥对马铃薯产量、品质及养分累积吸收的影响
By this property of active carbon fiber, we do sampling, solvent absorption and GCMS analysis in the way of processing organic compound fertilizer. 利用活性炭纤维的强吸附力,对生产有和合肥过程中产生的有机污染废气进行采样、溶剂解吸和GC-MS分析。
( chemistry) of an organic compound; containing two or more double bonds each separated from the other by a single bond. (化学)指有机化合物;含有两个或者多个双键,其中每个键都通过单键与其他键分离。
A compound, as we know it, results from the chemical union of two or more elements. Organic compound: Compounds made up of elements that one of which is carbon. 就我们所知,化合物是由两种或两种以上的元素化合而成的。有机化合物:由碳元素和其他元素组成的化合物。
Vitamin Organic compound required in small amounts in the diet to maintain normal metabolic functions. 维生素;维他命饮食中所需的小量有机化合物,可以维持身体的正常代谢功能。
The positive crankcase ventilation valve and gas caps with air-pollution control valves reduce volatile organic compound loss. 曲柄轴箱通风阀和配有废气帽的空气污染控制阀(使用)减少挥发性有机混合物释放有积极作用。
Study on Tribological Properties of Rare-earth Organic Compound as Additives in Hydrotreated Lubricating Oil 有机稀土添加剂及在加氢基础油中的摩擦学性能
Amino Acid Organic Compound Fertilizer Effect on Growth and Development, Output Value and Qualities of Tobacco 氨基酸有机复混肥对烤烟生长发育、产量产值及品质的影响
An organic compound usually formed as an intermediate product in the preparation of acetals from aldehydes or ketones. 一种有机化合物,通常是用乙醛或酮配制乙缩醛时的中间产物。
Menthol: Crystalline organic compound of the isoprenoid family. 薄荷醇:类异戊间二烯化合物族的结晶有机化合物。
Galactose Organic compound, a monosaccharide, chemical formula C6H12O6. 一种天然存在的单醣,化学式为C6H12O6。
Fat is a kind of organic compound. 脂肪是一种有机化合物。
Organic compound: Compounds made up of elements that one of which is carbon. 有机化合物:由碳元素和其他元素组成的化合物。
In this paper, electroaffinity and nucleophilicity of organic compound have been investigated, and their application in organic synthesis also has been discussed. 从电性角度讨论了有机物分子的亲电性和亲核性问题,并阐述了两者在有机合成中的应用。
Any organic compound in which the cyano radical-CN and the hydroxyl radical-OH are attached to the same carbon atom. 氰基和羟基附着在同一个碳原子上的任何有机化合物。
Development on Adsorptive and Catalytic Combustion of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compound 吸附-催化燃烧含氯挥发性有机物催化剂的研究进展
Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) Water-soluble organic compound important in animal metabolism. 维生素C(亦称抗坏血酸):类似六碳醣类的水溶性有机化合物,在动物代谢作用中具有重要功能。
If you want to decompose an organic compound, apply heat. 如果你想分解一个有机化合物,加热即可。
Cytosine organic compound of the pyrimidine family, often called a base, consisting of a single ring, containing both nitrogen and carbon atoms, and an amino group. 胞嘧啶:嘧啶族的有机化合物。常被称为基,包含一个单环,内有氮原子和碳原子,还有氨群。
Individuals are mainly exposed to methylmercury, an organic compound, when they eat fish and shellfish that contain methylmercury. 个体主要是在食用含有甲基汞(一种有机化合物)的鱼类和贝类时接触到甲基汞。
An organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen. 仅含碳和氢的有机化合物。
Fatty acids: Organic compound that is an important component of lipids in plants, animals, and microorganisms. 脂肪酸:一种有机化合物,为植物、动物和微生物类脂化合物中的重要成分。
Most energy is released as plants die and decay, however, sometimes organic compound varied be it completely decayed. 大多数的能量释放于植物的死亡和腐烂,然而,有事有机物变化了在它完全腐败之前。
Cardamom has an intense, pungent, sweet flavor. a heterocyclic organic compound with a penetrating odor. 小豆蔻具有刺激性的气味,香甜的口感.一种杂环有机合成物,有刺激味道。
Study of Sampling about Treatment in Soil Contaminated by Volatile Organic Compound 取样技术在挥发性有机物污染土壤治理中的应用研究
A determination method of total volatile organic compound in indoor air by thermal desorption gas chromatography with direct injection was established. 建立室内空气中总挥发性有机化合物的热解吸直接进样气相色谱分析方法。
Methods Three-dimensional determination for four natural organic compound samples by using single crystal X-ray diffraction. 方法应用单晶X射线衍射分析方法对4个天然有机化合物样品进行三维结构测定。
Progress in the Research of Organic Compound Conversion Coatings on Magnesium Alloy 镁合金表面有机物转化膜的研究进展
According to the experimental results adipic acid plus sodium chloride appear to be one of the most promising additives among the numerous inorganic and organic compound additives. 结合本文作者的开发研究,认为在众多无机和有机添加剂中,己二酸和氯化钠的组合是一种具有开发前景的复合型添加剂。